I did a play through of the game and am nearly finished. There was a bunch of little issues I found with the scripting that I fixed. A few more ships have appeared in game and hopefully more are on the way. The first 1/2 of the game is getting polished and “filled” with what I had in mind. Though there’s still some ways to go.
I added a fairly unique ship combo – one that I wanted to add for a long time but didn’t have the assets. I had a bit of a bummer moment because the constant – this game is also a RTS gets in the way of some of the intended – memorable moments. For example the new ship combo – happened to die too quickly. This gets looked at by me via these ways – improve the AI so that the ships have a bigger chance of doing damage to the player – thus being noticeable. Tweak the other nearby ships – so that the ship that I want to be noticed – has a greater chance to survive (while the player’s ships are dealing with the other baddies).
During the play through I had a thought – the content that happens near the first 1/2 of the game (the current content) – is in my opinion – pretty awesome. To be more descriptive – it is the core of the game as I envisioned it. There is opportunity for the player to make tactical decisions on what enemy assets to destroy and the player must defend against enemy attacks – yet there is opportunity to actually jump into a ship and pilot it. This strikes me a bit – because I thought – I would love the earlier portion of the game to be this good as well. But this would probably be overwhelming for a player new to the game. Still the early game needs improvement – most notably some early fights are over far too quickly, this will be remedied